Haydée Mercedes Sosa – La voz de América Latina

Sosa es identificada como “La Voz de Latinoamérica”. Ella, de quien su verdadero nombre era Haydée Sosa, fue una renombrada cantante y música de América Latina que tuvo un significativo influencia en la cultura de la área. Sosa se comprometió al canto muy pronto. Vino al mundo el 9 de julio de 1935 en San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Fue de ascendencia mestiza, lo que implica que tiene raíces francesas, españolas y diaguitas. Desarrolló su afición por la música en un hogar muy cargado, ya que sus padres eran partidarios al Partido Peronista. Con el tiempo utilizaría este contexto para formar no sólo su música, sino también su activismo a cuestiones sociales y políticos.

Demostró habilidad desde bastante joven. Con tan solo 15 años, obtuvo un competición de interpretación llevado a cabo por una emisora de radio de la localidad. Fue el inicio de un viaje que la transformaría en una de las cantantes más destacadas de América Latina. Su inicial disco, “La Voz de la Zafra”, apareció en 1959 y fue el comienzo de una carrera que duraría más de 50 años. Era una combinación especial de música tradicional argentina y una intensa compromiso a hablar de los problemas y esperanzas de la población ordinaria. Sus conocidos argentinos le pusieron el afectuoso apodo de “La Negra”, que demostraba lo próxima que estaba de sus ancestros y de la personas a la que cantaba.

La fama: La aparición del Cosquín y el tendencia de la Nueva Canción

Un significativo acontecimiento en el Festival Nacional de Folklore de Cosquín, en 1965, indicó el salto a la fama de Mercedes Sosa. En ese lugar, su amigo Jorge Cafrune la dio a conocer a un público extenso. Este evento la colocó en el centro de la industria musical argentina. En ese instante, las cosas cambiaron y Sosa se convirtió en una importante figura del movimiento de la Nueva Canción. En Argentina, este corriente se llamaba Nuevo Cancionero, y estaba integrado por música folklórica tradicional con canciones de mensaje político que relataban de los momentos agitados de la vida pública y la sociedad. Sosa y el hijo de su primer matrimonio, Manuel Oscar Matus, fueron cruciales en este fenómeno. Al igual que el movimiento de la Nueva Canción en toda Latinoamérica, combinaron la melodía folklórica autóctona argentina con conceptos actuales sobre los derechos civiles, la libertad política y la imparcialidad social. En esta temporada salió su segundo disco, “Canciones con Fundamento”. Este álbum la volvió aún más famosa como representante del público y guardiana de las prácticas folclóricas latinoamericanas. La música de Sosa no sólo cautivaba, sino que también educaba, inspiraba e estimulaba a la personas. Se volvió en un icono de esperanza y lucha en una área repleta de agitación políticos y sociales.

Cambios musicales y asociaciones: La apertura de nuevas áreas

Cuando Mercedes Sosa empezó a grabar discos específicos con personalidades importante como el compositor Ariel Ramírez y el letrista Félix Luna a inicios de los 70, su carrera musical dio un significativo viraje. Juntos, registraron discos rompedores como “Cantata Sudamericana” y “Mujeres Argentinas”, que evidenciaron lo adaptable que era y lo bastante que aspiraba hacer destacar en varios temas de América Latina. Sosa rindió tributo a la famosa artista chilena Violeta Parra con un álbum en 1971 que contenía la melodía “Gracias a la Vida”, que se llegaría a ser en uno de sus triunfos más celebrados. Durante este periodo, también añadió a su repertorio más melodías de autores conocidos, como el de Brasil Milton Nascimento y los de Cuba Pablo Milanés y Silvio Rodríguez. Su capacidad para combinar varios géneros de música latinoamericana evidenció que era una fuerza integradora en el rico panorama cultural de la región. La música de Sosa no sólo alcanzó a gente de varios lugares, sino también a personas de variadas edades, combinando sonidos tradicionales y modernos de una forma que arribó a varios audiencias. Durante este intervalo, su obra cambió de tal forma que evidenció hasta qué medida entendía que la música puede emplearse para expresar la cultura y inducir cambios sociales.

Participación gubernamental y comunitaria: insurgencia y destierro

Junto con su manera de cantar, Mercedes Sosa era conocida por sus claras opiniones políticas y comunitarias, que influyeron en su trabajo. La política argentina experimentaba una época turbulenta en la década de los de 1970, que finalizó con el instauración del régimen militar de Jorge Videla en 1976. Sosa, conocida por defender siempre los derechos humanos y las luchas de izquierda, enfrentó un enorme amenaza en este severo clima. Sosa y su núcleo familiar fueron amenazados de letalmente, pero Sosa se resistió a claudicar y se quedó en Argentina durante numerosos años. Pero las circunstancias se intensificaron de auténticamente en 1979 durante un espectáculo en La Plata, donde ella y la población del público fueron arrestados en el plataforma. A como consecuencia de este acontecimiento, forzada que refugiarse, primero en París y después en Madrid. Este fue un gran punto de inflexión en su vida y en su trabajo. Su exilio reflejó hasta qué punto Sosa estaba arraigado en la vida social y gubernamental de Argentina. Su música se había vuelto en un signo de resistencia contra la tiranía, y verse obligada a salir fue un difícil testimonio de lo malo que era el poder. Si bien experimentó varios problemas, su corazón se conservó firme y sus canciones persistieron emocionando e motivando a la personas fuera de su patria.

Premios y reconocimientos en todo el mundo: un símbolo mundial

En las últimas etapas de su vida, la reputación de Mercedes Sosa se expandió rápidamente en alrededor de el planeta. Se presentó en numerosos sitios renombrados, como el Lincoln Center de Nueva York, la Capilla Sixtina del Vaticano, el Carnegie Hall de Nueva York y el Coliseo de Roma. Estos actuaciones no sólo la convirtieron en una figura aún destacada en alrededor de el planeta, sino que también evidenciaron lo aceptada que es su música entre todo el público. A lo largo de sus cuatro décadas años de carrera, recibió varios reconocimientos, entre ellos 6 Grammy Latinos y, en 2004, el Grammy Latino a la Trayectoria. También recibió el Premio Gardel, el galardón musical más prestigioso de Argentina, y fue delegada de UNICEF, lo que evidencia lo mucho que se preocupa por ayudar a la personas. Cuando Sosa retornó a Argentina en 1982, tras la final del régimen militar, organizó renombrados conciertos en el Teatro Ópera de Buenos Aires. Estos eventos, en los que colaboraba con músicos más novatos, se grabaron y llegaron directamente a lo más alto de las clasificaciones musicales, evidenciando una vez más lo importante que es para la área musical. Sosa tuvo complicaciones de salud en los tiempos 90, pero su reaparición en Argentina en 1998 y las entradas esfumadas en el Carnegie Hall y el Coliseo en 2002 demostraron que era vigorosa y seguía siendo importante en el escenario de la música.

Legado e efecto de Mercedes Sosa: Cómo transformó la sociedad

Mercedes Sosa impactó en numerosa personas, no sólo a través de sus melodías. Generó un significativo impacto en la escena política de América Latina porque fue una decidida defensora de las causas de izquierdas. Sosa fue una constante admiradora de Juan Perón toda su existencia y una tenaz contraria al gobierno de Carlos Menem (1989-1999). También votó a Néstor Kirchner en 2003, lo que indica que sigue interesada en la forma en que funciona la política en Argentina. Ser Representante de Buena Voluntad de la UNESCO para América Latina y el Caribe evidenció hasta qué punto se dedicaba por los problemas sociales y culturales. Sosa colaboró con muchos compositores de muchos géneros, desde folk y lírica hasta pop y rock. Esto mostró lo versátil que era y de qué manera impactó a varias cohortes de artistas. Unirse con vocalistas tan conocidos como Joan Baez, Andrea Bocelli, Sting y muchos evidenció que era competente de combinar distintos estilos musicales y trascender distancias culturales. Muchas de las acciones que han transformado a Sosa famosa a lo largo de los tiempos son su inclusión en la Misa Criolla de Ariel Ramírez en 1999 y el empleo de su obra “Balderrama” en la film “Che” en 2008. Estas colaboraciones la hicieron en representante de la identidad cultural y consolidaron su sitio como icono musical. Transportaron la rica herencia de la música latinoamericana al ámbito global.

Últimos tiempos y deceso: El fin de un patrimonio

Pese a que Mercedes Sosa tuvo problemas de salud en sus últimos momentos, su pasión por la música y la iniciativa nunca desapareció. Sosa se trató en Buenos Aires en 2009, cuando tenía 74 años, porque seguía experimentando dificultades con las hormonales y los respiratorios. Sosa pereció el 4 de octubre de 2009, tras tener problemas en múltiples sistemas orgánicos. Era una destacada figura de la música de América Latina. Su deceso no sólo afectó al escenario de la música, sino también a las numerosas individuos que se emocionaron con sus canciones y su labor. Fabián Matus, hijo de su primero matrimonio, plasmó sobre su vida: “Vivió plenamente sus 74 años”. Realmente había realizado casi todo lo que deseaba; no mantenía miedos ni impedimentos que la frenaran. Mucha personas que la conoció o se vio afectada por su labor estaba de acuerdo con esto. La muerte de Sosa impactó a cada parte del el planeta, no sólo a Argentina. Su centro médico transmitió sus condolencias a la seres queridos y su portal digital la conmemoró como una intérprete experta y veraz cuyas convicciones conservarán un influencia permanente en las cohortes futuras. Su efecto en la música, la sociedad y el activismo social se persiste sintiendo hoy en día, lo que atestigua la significación que mantuvo en vida.

Homenajes y reconocimientos tras la partida: Honrando a Mercedes Sosa

Mercedes Sosa fue honrada con varios homenajes y reconocimientos cuando murió. Esto indica el impacto que tuvo y lo cercana que era a la población de alrededor de el mundo. Mucha gente hizo cola para expresar sus homenajes en el recinto del Congreso Nacional en Buenos Aires, donde su cuerpo fue velado. Fernández de Kirchner, Presidenta de Argentina, anunció tres días de duelo nacional para indicar la relevancia de los logros de Sosa para la vida y la sociedad del país. El Daily Telegraph nombró a Sosa de “inigualable intérprete de composiciones de su conciudadano, el de Argentina Atahualpa Yupanqui, y de la chilena Violeta Parra”. Diversos medios y publicaciones de todo el globo también le ofrecieron reconocimiento. Reuters habló de cómo su talento contribuyó a combatir contra los dirigentes de Sudamérica y de cómo se volvió en un titán de la música contemporánea latinoamericana. Sosa continuó obteniendo galardones y votos por su obra después de su muerte, incluidos los Grammy Latinos. En 2019, Google conmemoró su legado con un Doodle que se presentó en numerosos países, lo que evidencia que su influencia se ha experimentado en todo el mundo durante un largo periodo. La revista Rolling Stone ubicó a Sosa en el número 160 de su lista de los doscientos mejores intérpretes de cada uno de los épocas en 2023. Esto evidencia lo influyente y perdurable que es su voz en el mundo de la música.

En conclusión, la voz de Mercedes Sosa continuará.

El impacto de Mercedes Sosa como “voz de Latinoamérica” sigue hondamente implantado en la sociedad de la área. El dato de que evolucionara de ser de escasos recursos en Tucumán a convertirse en una figura internacional de la canción demuestra su talento, su poder y su compromiso con las asuntos sociales. Sosa empleó su música para hablar en nombre de los que no la tenían, alzarse contra las regímenes autoritarios y pelear por los libertades de las gente desatendidas. Era querida en alrededor del planeta porque tenía un fuerte lazo con sus orígenes y podía usar la canción para describir las esperanzas y esfuerzos de cada uno de los latinoamericanos. Sosa fue una figura destacada del movimiento de la Nueva Canción. Su impacto se extendió más allá de la música y se difundió a la gestión pública y la acción social, convirtiéndola en un símbolo de esperanza y resistencia. Unirse con vocalistas conocidos de géneros muy variados demostró su adaptabilidad y popularidad. Pese a que haya partido, las canciones de Mercedes Sosa siguen teniendo la igual fuerza y sentimiento que como estaba en vida. Inspiran a nuevos talentos oleadas de cantantes y activistas. Su herencia continúa en su impactante voz y en sus intemporales perennes, que continúan motivándonos y rememorando cómo el arte puede cambiar las cosas y congregar a las gente de cada uno de los países.

Enlaces a recursos: https://znaki.fm/es/persons/mercedes-sosa/.



As sad as it may sound, our hectic lifestyles often prevent us from spending enough time with our beloved pet babies. Busy schedules, work trips, late-night meetings…the list is endless. When it comes to us, our pets are just one portion of our lives. On the flip side, for our pets, we are their whole lives.

Having a smart automatic pet feeder is an excellent way of making sure your pet’s nutritional needs are taken care of while you are away from home.

The pros of using a smart automatic pet feeder

As creatures of habits, dogs and cats like having the same schedules every day. Therefore, using a smart automatic pet feeder has both emotional and physical benefits for the pet. The emotional wellbeing is ensured by maintaining the consistent feeding schedule. Following the same pattern every day makes your pet feel secure.

As for the physical benefits, using an automatic feeder is an excellent way of preventing obesity. Having a strict and consistent schedule will allow you to monitor your pet’s nutritional intake every day. Plus, it is a good way of knowing how much your pet eats. For example, if your pet’s appetite is decreased and you are free-feeding it chances are you will not be able to notice the decrease unless it is significant. With the automatic pet feeder, even the slightest changes will be noticed.

Buying guide

The modern market offers a plethora of smart pet feeders. With so many available choices making the right one can be quite challenging. To help you successfully navigate through the plethora of choices, we have compiled a list of essential features your smart feeder should have.

These are the features you need to consider:

  • Compartment capacity – this feature depends solely on your needs. If you plan an extended weekend getaway you will definitely need a feeder that can store a larger amount of food. If the container is too small, your pet will be starving because the food will run out before you get back home. On the flip side, if you are busy only during work hours then it is advisable to get a feeder with a smaller container. That way your pet’s food will remain clean and fresh for longer.
  • Food category – this feature is based on your pet’s diet type. Namely certain health conditions require certain types of diet. Those diets sometimes come in only one form – either wet or dry. Not every pet feeder is suitable for both types of food. Feeders designed for wet food should have a cooling system that will keep the wet food fresh. The cooling system consists of a storage compartment underneath the food where ice packs can be stored. Bottom line, when making the purchase make sure you consider your pet’s diet type.
  • Programmable timers – this is a particularly important feature. Being able to set a strict schedule is important for controlling your pet’s eating routine. At this point, once again you need to consider your pet’s eating habits. For example, if your pet eats 4 times a day, buying a smart feeder that can only feed 2 times a day would be a waste of your money.
  • Portion size – featuring this option is a must when parenting a pet that needs proper weight management. By being able to set a portion you will prevent your pet from overeating which will eventually lead to obesity. On the flip side, if you pet is not a voracious eater, defining the meal size helps you save food instead of wasting it.   
  • Voice recording – this option is not readily available in most smart pet feeders but it is definitely fun ad worth having. It allows you to record your own voice and have your pet called when it is meal time.
  • WiFi connectivity – featuring WiFi connectivity enables you to connect the feeder to the internet and interact with your pet through a smartphone app. In most cases, the smartphone app will allow you to watch your pet via video, dispense treats on command and interact to your pet directly.
  • Selective feeding – this is vital for households with multiple pets. In such case you should search for a smart feeder that has special microchip tag reader that identifies the pet whose meal time has come.
  • Power source type – usually pet feeders are battery operated but are designed in an energy efficient way. This ensures particularly long usage (6 to 12 months) of a single pair of batteries. Newer smart feeders with built in cameras and WiFi connectivity have to be plugged to a socket.

Considerations when using a smart pet feeder

It should be well-noted that human interaction cannot be substituted with automatic pet feeders. Buying an automatic pet feeder does not exclude the need of hiring a pet sitter or boarding facility.

Simply put, pets are social creatures. Well dogs more than cats, but anyway, they enjoy your companion and thrive on interacting with their human families. A recent study suggested that cats are calmer and more confident when the owners are at home. 

In a nutshell, automatic pet feeders are an extremely useful tool as long as they are used rationally, properly and for the right causes. Leaving your pet in a solitary confinement just because you own a smart pet feeder is not an option for responsible pet parents.

The ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder Review

,Hey Alexa/Siri, please feed my dog/cat, – feeding your pet has never been so easy, all you need is your mobile phone. And to be honest, we always have our phones in our hands.

First of all, the ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder is made of pet safe materials such as eco-friendly ABS and PC plastic. Both materials are suitable for cats prone to feline acne and dogs prone to skin conditions. The design also features an anti-humidity desiccant which keeps the food fresh no matter how long it stays in the dispenser.

Secondly, this feeder is simple to use and maintain. As mentioned, you can control the device with your mobile phone no matter where you are. The feeder is easy to maintain and keep clean because both the food bowl and the food container are detachable. It is recommended to have them cleaned every 2 to 3 months. Additionally, once the feeding is successfully completed, the app will notify you.

Thirdly, the smart feeder ensures complete control over how much your pet eats. You can choose to dispense food portions ranging from 10 to 100 grams. This is particularly important for pets on weight loss programs because if the automatic feeder does not feature portion control, weight gain is likely to occur.

Last but not least, this amazing product comes with a lifetime warranty. That way you can enjoy a total peace of mind.

Key features:

  • Pet-safe materials
  • Easy to use and maintain
  • Perfect portion control
  • Timed feeding schedule
  • Alexa/Siri supported
  • Remote app control
  • Voice recording commands
  • 1 press manual feeding
  • 4l capacity
  • Anti-clogged
  • Lifetime warranty
  • 24/7 customer support. 


  • Convenience – imagine you are stuck at work and late for your date tonight plus you need to feed your pet in the meanwhile. With the ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder, instead of going home to feed your beloved pet you can do that with a simple press on your mobile. That is if you have not already scheduled a feeding with a simple press on the feeder’s button. In both cases, this smart pet feeder is beyond convenient.
  • Saving time – before giving your pet its meal you need to measure the food. At first, this seems easy, but think about the number of meals through the day and the amount of time you spend measuring each meal. The ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder does the measuring for you. Therefore, instead of wasting your time on dead-end chores you can enjoy in more quality time with your pet.
  • Improved life-quality – this applies for both you and your pet. You will be guilt-free and able to enjoy your time away from home knowing your pet is fed and happy. As for your pet, in addition of being fed, it will be content for following its usual routine.
  • Good for pet’s health – the ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder is an excellent tool for maintaining a lean and healthy body weight. Nowadays, obesity is a well-known and frequent issue among pets. Obesity is a problem on its own and it is a risk factor that predisposes pets to other potentially life-threatening health conditions. This smart feeder also enables scheduling more frequent but smaller meals. On the long run, this is useful because overfeeding leads to gastric distension and consequently increased appetite. Last but not least, the feeder ensures your pet will receive fresh food for each meal.
  • Modern, smart home feeling – it goes without saying that the ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder is the ultimate, design driven and quality led product. Its futuristic design, high-end technology and efficiency will make you feel like you are living the future.

Bottom line, by designing the new Smart Pet Feeder, ITSKOO has reinvented the pet’s diet management. The device is manufactured using high-end technology, yet it is amazingly simple to use.

ITSKOO Automatic Smart Pet Feeder

ITSKOO – We are IOT technology driven, aiming to provide the fully structured cloud platform that enables all smart home devices into one single platform.

ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder C.D.4 is our first retail smart product to let our customers have a taste of our world-leading Smart Home Platform. We understand the need for pet owners, and we design specifically to meet their needs. 

Contact us if you have any questions about our pet feeder and it’s our pleasure to serve you.


The whole philosophy of raising a kitten is similar to that of bringing up children. Getting a new kitten and raising it into a well-mannered and well-adjusted cat is an amazing experience. However, looking after cats and kittens can seem a little daunting especially for first time parents.

To help you be a more responsible and devoted cat parent, we have compiled a list of 10 important tips on how to take care of your feline baby.

1.Vaccines – enforcing your kitten’s defense lines

Young kittens need to be vaccinated against several highly contagious and extremely dangerous viral diseases such as:

  • feline immunodeficience
  • feline leukemia
  • herpesvirus
  • calici virus
  • rabies.

Unvaccinated kittens and cats succumb to the mentioned diseases at extremely high rates. Usually the first vaccine is administered when the kitten is around 8 weeks old and then boosters are given every few weeks until it is 16 weeks old.

The exact vaccination protocol (timing and included pathogens) depends on two important factors: the area where you live and which diseases are present in that area.

As a new cat parent it is normal to be unfamiliar with those protocols. Therefore, you need to talk to your trusted vet and make a vaccination strategy. Sometimes, depending on the circumstances, your vet may suggest some additional vaccines. In other cases, depending on the incidence of certain diseases, the vet may suggest eliminating certain vaccines. 

Useful tip: Keep in mind that vaccines are important for adult cats too. Although, diseases are more frequent among young kittens, grown cats can also become infected. However, in adult cats the mortality rates are lower than in young kittens.

2. Nutrition is both the brick and the mortar of health

The ideal cat food depends on several factors such as your cat’s age, gender, breed, body composition, neutering status, temperament, activity levels and taste preferences.

Perhaps the most important factor is the cat’s age. It is important to never buy kitten food for a cat and the other way around. Different developmental stages require different nutrients and in different amounts. 

Cats are usually fed ,,ad libidum’’ which means their food bowl is always full and left at their disposal. However, when it comes to cat that are voracious eaters this practice should be avoided. Unfortunately obesity is a growing issue among the feline population. More and more cats are obese, thus increasing their risk of developing obesity related disease like diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular issues and certain types of cancer.

Useful tip: It is important to understand that certain human foods should not be given to cats. When creating your cat’s menu avoid milk, table scraps, certain fruits such as grapes and raisins, certain vegetables such as garlic and onion and chocolate.

3. Internal parasites and how to avoid them

Cats are extremely prone to acquiring intestinal parasites (more popularly known as worms) such as Roundworms, Tapeworms, Hookworms and Whipworms.

Some types of worms can be passed by the mother to the young kittens through the placenta or through the milk. However, the majority of worms are transmitted through feces. Namely, cats get worms by ingesting feces from infected cats.

The presence of worms is a potentially life-threatening issue that causes symptoms like:

  • intermittent vomiting
  • profuse diarrhea (blood may be present)
  • enlarged tummy
  • pale gums
  • poor coat quality.

If left untreated, the condition progresses and more serious signs become apparent. Those signs include anemia, intestinal blockage or prolapsed rectum.

The biggest problem is that cats infested with worms are usually asymptomatic. The symptoms start becoming obvious when the infestation is already too severe. In such times, the cat’s life is already in danger and the treatment options are either limited or inefficient. Bottom line, preventing worm-related issues is a much better alternative to treating them. Just have your cat regularly dewormed.

Useful tip: Having your cat regularly dewormed is important for your health too because certain types of worms can be transmitted to people, particularly children. 

4. Fleas and how to avoid them

Although small and barely noticeable, these pesky little parasites can cause a great deal of problems. Based on the severity of the infestation, those problems can range from mild skin irritations to life-threatening diseases.

Contrary to popular belief, house cats can get fleas just like outdoor cats can. Strictly indoors cats get fleas through other indoor-outdoor pets, from opened windows and from your clothes.

Fortunately, flea issues can be easily prevented. Depending on where you live it is advisable to use anti-flea products all year round or at least during the flea season.

Useful tip: It should be well-accented that anti-flea products formulated for dogs must not be used on cats.

5. Getting rid of those nasty hairballs

As previously stated, cats groom themselves a lot. The unwanted but definitely expected outcome of that grooming routine is the formation of hairballs. Hairballs are particularly common in long-haired cat breeds. 

Sadly, hairballs are nasty to clean and even nastier for your cat to get rid of them. What is more, if resent in a larger number, hairballs can cause life-threatening problems such as intestinal blockage. 

If your cat has hairball issues it will manifest the following signs and symptoms:

  • vomiting
  • gagging
  • retching
  • lack of appetite
  • lethargy
  • constipation or diarrhea.

Useful tip: Hairball issues can be if not avoided at least minimized by sticking to the below listed tricks:

  • groom your cat regularly (this eliminates loose hairs and reduces the chances of hairballs development)
  • use special ‘’hairball formula’’ cat food
  • use specifically designed products that promote better hairball dissolution or expulsion
  • discourage excessive self-grooming.

6. Spay/neuter – to do it or not

Unless you want your cat to have is offspring, it is advisable to have it spayed or neutered. Spaying and neutering prolongs your cat’s life mainly by decreasing the risk of developing certain medical issues. Plus, when in heat, house cats are particularly vocal and turn into escape artists. Not to mention their demonstrations of unwanted sexual behavior (humping and urine marking). Cats in heat are more aggressive, get in fights and risk severe injuries. Last but not least, the population of stray cats is on the rise. By spaying and neutering you help decrease the number of strays.

Useful tip: Female kittens should be spayed before their first menstrual cycle, preferably when 6 months old. On the flip side, males can be neutered at any point of their lives. 

7. The importance of socialization

Raising a well-mannered and well-behaved cat is impossible without proper socialization. Socialization with people is important for raising your playful and mischievous kitty into confident, curious and playful adult cat. The more people your kitten meets, the more comfortable and social it will get. Frequent interactions with unknown people and children will help your kitten overcome its natural fear of strangers.

You also need to make sure your kitten meets other kittens and cats, new dogs or smaller rodents.

Last but not least, kittens benefit greatly from exposure to new and interesting experiences (such as unfamiliar sounds and intriguing smells).

Useful tip: The socialization should start from the earliest age possible and should be quite extensive. If you do not have enough time for this challenging step, there are kinder-gardens and teaching classes for young kittens.

8. Using the litter box

When it comes to bathroom habits and rituals, such as picking the ideal toilet place, cats are extremely picky. Fortunately, most cats like doing their businesses in litter boxes. Which to be honest is great for cat parents. All you need to do is buy a high-quality litter box and let your clean and self-sufficient cat do its business. Once your cat is finished you will simply scoop the poop.  

A cat considers her litter box as her own personal space and it must meet her standards. Not yours. Even though from human perspective, any box is good enough, cats do not share the same point of view. Picky, witty and independent, cats now what they like. You can purchase the best litter box, but it will not serve for anything, if your cat prefers using flower pots as toilet. Simply put, the best litter box for your cat is the one your cat approves of.

The same rule applies to the type of litter as well. Most litters are made of clay, but recycled paper and silica-based crystals are also common. Some litters even contain dirt since this material is known for stimulating the cat’s natural instincts.

Useful tip: The litter box must be cleaned regularly (on a daily basis). If you forget to dispose the litter properly, it will start giving off strong odor and eventually repel your cat from using it.

9. Introduction with other cats

It is no secret that every cat wishes it is the only cat in the family, getting all the delicious treats, receiving undivided attention and enjoying spoiling massages.  Leaving aside the cat’s indulging preferences one must accept the fact that cats are naturally territorial and greedy creatures, with aversion to changes. They are very particular about marking their own turfs and possessions and are usually not very friendly with new arrivals. Cats live by a strict social pecking and respect hierarchy. Therefore a rule-breaking newcomer is likely to be put in its place and swiftly informed that he is unwelcome.

Useful tip: If you notice that one cat is harassing the other or is constantly aggressive, consult with your vet about calming medications or seek professional assistance from a trained feline behaviorist. Ultimately some personalities do not fit and if there is no other solution, you may have to consider rehoming the new arrival.

10. Brushing, bathing and grooming

It is only logical to ask whether cats need grooming. We all know that cats not only groom themselves but they are also very strict about their hygiene habits. Nevertheless, from time to time cats do require some grooming assistance.

Cats need to be brushed and bathed. How often depends on the fur type. Generally speaking, to avoid coat matting and quality loss, long-haired cats need frequent brushing. Bathing is not something your cat will need on a daily basis but that does not mean you should neglect this part of the grooming protocol. Keep in mind that part of the grooming process is taking care of the eyes, ears, paws, nails and teeth.

Useful tip: It is advisable to start grooming your cat while still a kitten. Youngsters do not need actual grooming but are more adaptable and if the kitten learns how to behave during a grooming session while young, you will not have any issues once it gets older. I know this first hand since grooming my 2-year old adopted cat requires the presence of an anesthesiologist.

ITSKOO Automatic Smart Pet Feeder

ITSKOO – We are IOT technology driven, aiming to provide the fully structured cloud platform that enables all smart home devices into one single platform.

ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder C.D.4 is our first retail smart product to let our customers have a taste of our world-leading Smart Home Platform. We understand the need for pet owners, and we design specifically to meet their needs. 

Contact us if you have any questions about our pet feeder and it’s our pleasure to serve you.


Good and responsible dog care means understanding your dog’s physiological needs and at the same time integrating your canine companion needs into your everyday life. It means knowing the most common health issues, how to recognize them and when it is time to ask for professional help.

The first thing to do before getting a new dog is asking yourself whether you are prepared to take care of another living being during its entire lifetime. Keep in mind that dogs are big time and money investments. However, owning a canine companion or rather allowing it to own you is a mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship, with many positive effects.

To help you become a responsible dog parent we have compiled a list of the 10 most important tips for raising a dog.

1.Respecting the vaccination protocol

Vaccination is a highly effective way of preventing many killer diseases. The effectiveness of vaccines varies – some give lifelong immunity, while others only partial protection against a particular disease.

Generally speaking dogs are vaccinated against:

  • Parvovirus
  • Distemper
  • Canine hepatitis
  • Parainfluenza
  • Leptospirosis
  • Rabies.

A young puppy should receive its first vaccine at 6-8 weeks of age. This vaccine offers only a temporary immunity. Since the goal is to achieve a long-lasting immunity, it is advisable to give the puppy at least one but preferably two more booster vaccines. So, generally speaking, that would be three separate vaccines given 4 weeks apart.

An adult dog should receive annual booster vaccines. Instead of annually, depending on the manufacturer, newer vaccines can be administered every 2 or 3 years.

Useful tip: Under certain circumstances, vaccines can have some side-effects (such as mild fever, decreased appetite, lethargy and discomfort at the injection site). Luckily those side effects are transient and self-limiting (fade away on their own over the course of few days). However, they are not a reason to skip vaccination.

2. Proper nutrition increases the lifespan  

The key to good health is well-balanced diet. Therefore understanding your dog’s nutritional needs is of imperative importance.  The perfect diet is supposed to be a proper balance of the six major nutrient groups – proteins, carbohydrates, fats & oils, vitamins, minerals and water.

When choosing the ideal food for your dog you need to consider its nutritional requirements which depend on several factors such as age, breed, body composition, gender (plus neutered/spayed), temperament, activity level and taste preferences. If not sure what type of diet your dog needs, do not hesitate to talk to your trusted vet or a canine nutritionist.  

Dogs with certain medical issues need specifically formulated or individually tailored diets. However these diets must be discussed and approved by a veterinarian or dog nutritionist. Addressing health concerns with corresponding diets, not only extends your dog’s survival time it also increases the quality of life.

Useful tip: Although modern dogs gradually adapted their digestive apparatus to the foods they could feed themselves with, dogs still prefer and thrive on a carnivorous diet. Understanding that your dog is a carnivore from an anatomical and physiological point of view is a good starting point for making the right feeding decision. 

3. Intestinal worms – the danger within

Many organisms live inside our dogs and they either cause no problems or even produce benefits for the host. The dog’s digestive tract contains bacteria that help break down food. They are the perfect example of a mutually beneficial relationship.

On the other side, internal parasites or worms also live inside the dog, but offer no benefits, and are often even detrimental, since they draw nutrients from the host. Worms can cause severe issues if they constantly use up the dog’s essential nutrients, block the intestinal tract or damage its walls.

It is highly advisable to have your dog tested for intestinal parasites and parasitic infections at least once a year and do not forget to bring a fresh poop sample to the visit. Based on the findings, the vet will likely recommend deworming medicines (available in the form of tablets, granules and liquids).  

Useful tip: You and your family can become infected with worms the same way dogs get them – through contact with infected poop. The intestinal parasites of the dog are potential health hazards for humans, too.

4. Fleas – diminutive creatures with dangerous powers

Fleas are the most frequently encountered external parasite in dogs. These ubiquitous little creatures are without doubt the single most common cause of medical skin conditions in dogs, and canine skin problems account for more visits to the vet than any other single condition.

A dog troubled by fleas will annoyingly scratch its body. Flea infestations can be diagnosed by finding fleas on the dog or seeing white and black (salt and pepper) grains, about the size of sand grains, in the dog’s coat. The white particles are flea eggs and the black particles are flea feces.

 For achieving on-going flea control, anti-flea products (protectors) need to be applied monthly. It is best advised to begin the treatment well before the flea season and continue the treatment through the year. Depending on the area where you live it may be needed to use protection all year round.

Useful tip: Fleas, eggs and feces can be hard to notice on heavily-coated and dark-colored dogs. To determine the infestations, alternatively, you can brush your dog while standing on a white surface. Then the grains that fall from the coat should be crushed. Since fleas eat blood, both the fleas and their feces will leave red marks when crushed. 

5. Allergies – a constantly growing problem

The incidence of allergies in dogs is on the rise. The occurring signs and symptoms differ, depending on the place where the allergic reaction occurs:

  • The dog’s skin – localized or generalized itchiness and skin inflammation or irritation
  • The lining of the airways – coughing, sneezing, wheezing and discharge from the nose and eyes
  • The lining of the gastrointestinal tract – vomiting and diarrhea.

Because of their complexity, allergies require multimodal approach:

  • Identifying the allergen
  • Eliminating or minimizing the exposure to that specific allergen
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs – antihistamines and corticosteroids
  • Shampoos – to sooth the irritated skin and rinse out the allergens from the coat
  • Hyposensitization – to reprogram the dog’s immune system.

Useful tip: Allergies can have a detrimental effect on your dog’s quality of life. If you suspect your dog is dealing with an allergy, do not hesitate to call your vet as soon as possible.

6. Physical and mental stimulation

Keeping your dog mentally and physically stimulated is your responsibility. The amount of stimulation depends on your dog’s breed, age, temperament and health condition. Generally young adult dogs need at least 30 minutes of physical exercise and a good dose of mental stimulation.

As a concept, mental stimulation is not entirely new. Although it was introduced many years ago, it was not properly embraced, probably because one can easily confuse mental with physical stimulation.

Physical activity tires your dog’s body but leaves the mind even more energized. Mental activity tires both the body and the mind. Inadequately mentally stimulated dogs show signs of dissatisfaction and unhappiness, which lead to destructive, restless, hyperactive and attention seeking behavior. Those behaviors are an outlet for the dog’s excess of energy. 

Keep in mind that a bored dog’s only limitation is its imagination. If you do not give him something to do, he will come up with self-employment ideas on his own.

Useful tip: According to experts the most important stimuli for dogs include: exposure to interesting places and things; new, exciting experiences; frequent opportunities to learn things and solve problems and investigating and interacting with objects and the environment around them.

7. Training your puppy into a well-mannered adult dog  

Dogs, as pack animals, are naturally inclined to respect and respond to the leader of the pack. Make sure, you are that leader. To earn your dog’s respect, you need to show consistent behavior and firmness.

Useful tips: If you want to easily train your dog, follow these rules:

  • Never punish your dog for something it has done earlier, because it is counterproductive. If your dog made a mess while you were at work, punishing it when you come back home is pointless. It will know that you are angry, but it will not know why.
  • Keep the training lessons short. Dogs have short attention spans and get distracted easily.
  • Keep the training lessons entertaining. If your dog is not interested in the lesson, it will find something better to do.
  • Voice tone and stance. Keep in mind that even young puppies are acutely aware of your body language and sounds and can quickly learn to interpret your voice tone and stance.
  • Train only when the puppy is alert. The best training time is right before feeding time.
  • Use positive reinforcement techniques – lots of rewards, treats and praises.

8. The benefits of spaying/neutering

The benefits of having your dog spayed/neutered are well known – increased lifespan, decreased risk of certain medical conditions (such as pyometra, false pregnancy and benign tumors of the mammary glands in females and testicular and prostate cancers in males), reduction of the constantly increasing population of stray dogs and prevention of undesirable sexual behavior (urine marking, humping, aggression, escaping). 

Useful tip: It is recommended that the spaying/neutering procedure gets done while the dog is still young (preferably less than 1 year).  

9. Grooming is not a luxury

Dogs of all breeds need regular grooming. The only difference between different breeds is the time that needs to spent on grooming – from few moments to few hours a week.

 Usually when someone says grooming the things that come in mind are brushing, bathing and hair and nails clipping. However, a proper grooming session goes beyond these common activities and includes taking care of all potential sources of bad smell such as teeth, ears and anal sacs.

If grooming is too much for you, luckily there are experts who will do this challenging task for you. If your dog tends to get overly excited, stressed or aggressive during grooming, chances are you will need professional help.

Useful tip: Too much bathing can do more harm than good because it disrupts the natural balance of the skin microorganisms. Replace the old-fashioned bathing with wet dog wipes, dry shampoos and powders.

10. Your dog’s safety is a priority at all times

More often than not, good veterinary care is within easy reach. However, accidents happen and in some emergencies your dog may depend solely on you for help. By planning ahead and practicing how to restrain your dog, examine it and perform basic first aid you will be prepared for most eventualities.

In any emergency your responsibility is to quickly assess the situation, restrain and give first aid. The goal is to prevent further damage, reduce the dog’s pain and sustain its life until you can contact your trusted vet and seek professional help.

Useful tip: Choosing an insurance policy for your dog is an excellent idea yet many owners tend to overlook it. Good pet insurance policies cover a wide range of treatments and conditions, which may be beneficial on the long run. It is also recommended to include your dog in your planning for an emergency or disaster.

ITSKOO Automatic Smart Pet Feeder

ITSKOO – We are IOT technology driven, aiming to provide the fully structured cloud platform that enables all smart home devices into one single platform.

ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder C.D.4 is our first retail smart product to let our customers have a taste of our world-leading Smart Home Platform. We understand the need for pet owners, and we design specifically to meet their needs. 

Contact us if you have any questions about our pet feeder and it’s our pleasure to serve you.

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ITSKOO Smart Automatic Pet Feeder


As sad as it may sound, our hectic lifestyles often prevent us from spending enough time with our beloved pet babies. Busy schedules, work trips, late-night meetings…the list is endless. When it comes to us, our pets are just one portion of our lives. On the flip side, for our pets, we are their whole lives.

Having a smart automatic pet feeder is an excellent way of making sure your pet’s nutritional needs are taken care of while you are away from home.

The pros of using a smart automatic pet feeder

As creatures of habits, dogs and cats like having the same schedules every day. Therefore, using a smart automatic pet feeder has both emotional and physical benefits for the pet. The emotional wellbeing is ensured by maintaining the consistent feeding schedule. Following the same pattern every day makes your pet feel secure.

As for the physical benefits, using an automatic feeder is an excellent way of preventing obesity. Having a strict and consistent schedule will allow you to monitor your pet’s nutritional intake every day. Plus, it is a good way of knowing how much your pet eats. For example, if your pet’s appetite is decreased and you are free-feeding it chances are you will not be able to notice the decrease unless it is significant. With the automatic pet feeder, even the slightest changes will be noticed.

Buying guide

The modern market offers a plethora of smart pet feeders. With so many available choices making the right one can be quite challenging. To help you successfully navigate through the plethora of choices, we have compiled a list of essential features your smart feeder should have.

These are the features you need to consider:

  • Compartment capacity – this feature depends solely on your needs. If you plan an extended weekend getaway you will definitely need a feeder that can store a larger amount of food. If the container is too small, your pet will be starving because the food will run out before you get back home. On the flip side, if you are busy only during work hours then it is advisable to get a feeder with a smaller container. That way your pet’s food will remain clean and fresh for longer.
  • Food category – this feature is based on your pet’s diet type. Namely certain health conditions require certain types of diet. Those diets sometimes come in only one form – either wet or dry. Not every pet feeder is suitable for both types of food. Feeders designed for wet food should have a cooling system that will keep the wet food fresh. The cooling system consists of a storage compartment underneath the food where ice packs can be stored. Bottom line, when making the purchase make sure you consider your pet’s diet type.
  • Programmable timers – this is a particularly important feature. Being able to set a strict schedule is important for controlling your pet’s eating routine. At this point, once again you need to consider your pet’s eating habits. For example, if your pet eats 4 times a day, buying a smart feeder that can only feed 2 times a day would be a waste of your money.
  • Portion size – featuring this option is a must when parenting a pet that needs proper weight management. By being able to set a portion you will prevent your pet from overeating which will eventually lead to obesity. On the flip side, if you pet is not a voracious eater, defining the meal size helps you save food instead of wasting it.   
  • Voice recording – this option is not readily available in most smart pet feeders but it is definitely fun ad worth having. It allows you to record your own voice and have your pet called when it is meal time.
  • WiFi connectivity – featuring WiFi connectivity enables you to connect the feeder to the internet and interact with your pet through a smartphone app. In most cases, the smartphone app will allow you to watch your pet via video, dispense treats on command and interact to your pet directly.
  • Selective feeding – this is vital for households with multiple pets. In such case you should search for a smart feeder that has special microchip tag reader that identifies the pet whose meal time has come.
  • Power source type – usually pet feeders are battery operated but are designed in an energy efficient way. This ensures particularly long usage (6 to 12 months) of a single pair of batteries. Newer smart feeders with built in cameras and WiFi connectivity have to be plugged to a socket.

ITSKOO Smart Automatic Pet Feeder C.D.4

Considerations when using a smart pet feeder

It should be well-noted that human interaction cannot be substituted with automatic pet feeders. Buying an automatic pet feeder does not exclude the need of hiring a pet sitter or boarding facility.

Simply put, pets are social creatures. Well dogs more than cats, but anyway, they enjoy your companion and thrive on interacting with their human families. A recent study suggested that cats are calmer and more confident when the owners are at home. 

In a nutshell, automatic pet feeders are an extremely useful tool as long as they are used rationally, properly and for the right causes. Leaving your pet in a solitary confinement just because you own a smart pet feeder is not an option for responsible pet parents.

The ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder Review

,Hey Alexa/Siri, please feed my dog/cat, – feeding your pet has never been so easy, all you need is your mobile phone. And to be honest, we always have our phones in our hands.

First of all, the ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder is made of pet safe materials such as eco-friendly ABS and PC plastic. Both materials are suitable for cats prone to feline acne and dogs prone to skin conditions. The design also features an anti-humidity desiccant which keeps the food fresh no matter how long it stays in the dispenser.

Secondly, this feeder is simple to use and maintain. As mentioned, you can control the device with your mobile phone no matter where you are. The feeder is easy to maintain and keep clean because both the food bowl and the food container are detachable. It is recommended to have them cleaned every 2 to 3 months. Additionally, once the feeding is successfully completed, the app will notify you.

Thirdly, the smart feeder ensures complete control over how much your pet eats. You can choose to dispense food portions ranging from 10 to 100 grams. This is particularly important for pets on weight loss programs because if the automatic feeder does not feature portion control, weight gain is likely to occur.

Last but not least, this amazing product comes with a lifetime warranty. That way you can enjoy a total peace of mind.

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Top 5 Health Issues You Might Miss on Your Cats

top 5 cats heath issues you might miss

You might experience sleepless nights and anxiety if your fur baby loses its appetite, vomit and bleed in its stool or drool throughout the day. Sweet Kitty’s aggressive behavior, isolation, and crying in pain can break your spirit.

There is no denying that you want to give your Kitty a healthy, flourishing, and seemingly endless life as your faithful companion.

No doubt, thorough knowledge is a sure way to get to know about the ailments to avoid unwanted medical circumstances to your lovely cat.

So, be aware of the diseases and symptoms, never to miss them, and to follow the unique principle that prevention is always better than the cure.

One of the largest pet insurers in the USA, Nationwide revealed the ten most common medical conditions that result in veterinary visits.

Let’s have a look at these top ten diseases among the kitties:

  1. Bladder/Urinary Tract Disease
  2. Dental Disease
  3. Chronic Kidney Disease
  4. Vomiting or Upset Stomach
  5. Diarrhea Intestinal Upset
  6. Excessive Thyroid Hormone
  7. Upper Respiratory Infection
  8. Skin Allergies
  9. Diabetes

10. Valvular heart disease or Murmur

First, we now explore the top five medical conditions in detail to avoid any mishap with our kitties.

1. Bladder/Urinary Tract Disease (UTD)

What Urinary Tract Disease is all about and the causes?

In this medical condition, the Urethra (lower urinary tract) is blocked due to many medical causes like inflammation, infection, and that causes difficulty in passing urine from the bladder to out of the body. This blockage may result in severe conditions like:

  • Stone formation in the bladder
  • Inflammation of Urethra and bladder
  • Complete blockage of urinary tract

Other causes for developing UTD are environmental and emotional stress, multiple cat household culture, indoor litter, a sudden change in routine, and dry diet. 

Symptoms to recognize Urinary Tract Disease are as follows

  • Strain to urinate (Stranguria) due to blockage to the Urethra
  • Increased frequency to urinate due to inflammation and infection in the bladder and Urethra that causes an irritable bladder.
  • Difficulty with painful urination (dysuria). Your cat may cry out during urination due to pain
  • Urinating in small quantity
  • Dehydration
  • Bloody urine (Hematuria) due to infection and inflammation
  • Lack of appetite
  • Stress due to environment or isolation
  • Hard abdomen
  • Irritability and aggression
  • Urinating outside the litter box because your cat may need to urinate urgently due to pain, inflammation, and infection
  • Over licking around their perineum result sometimes in a loss of hairs around the perineum area

Severe symptoms that show progression in the disease are vomiting and lethargic and depressed behavior in your cat.

Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Diseases

Early diagnosis of UTD is essential because the treatment is dependent on the specific cause of the disease.

Your Vet can ask for a physical examination of the cat and analysis of the urine to diagnose for any stone formation, infection, inflammation, and bleeding in your cats.

Other tests that can be conducted for the study are:

  • X-rays
  • Blood tests
  • Urine test
  • Ultrasound  abdominal area
  • Blood tests
  • Glucose tests
  • Urinalysis or urine culture
  • pH test to understand the presence of any infection in the body
  • Bilirubin test to analyze the blood in its parts.

Treatment of Urinary Tract Diseases

  • Immediate pain relief medication with diet change
  • Surgery to remove stones from the bladder or lower urinary tract
  • Antibiotics can be given to treat bacterial cystitis
  • Urinary  acidifiers
  • Removal of blockage in lower tract area or the Urethra especially in male cats
  • Fluid therapy by  giving intravenous fluids to remove dehydration

Reference: VSA hospitals

Preventing Urinary Tract Disease in a cat

  • Prevention is better than cure and can be achieved through the following measures for your fur baby:
  • Medical and dietary changes as per the recommendation of your VAT
  • Giving more time to your cat  can reduce the stress
  • Provide the windows and toys to make them engage, and have a serene environment
  • Clean and litter boxes and more number of litter boxes in case of multiple cats in the home is important
  • Increase their fluids by giving them clean water frequently

2. Dental Disease

Dental disease is generally associated with plaque formation and tartar due to the presence of bacteria around the teeth of your cat.

Pain, swollen gums, loose teeth, bad breath, bleeding, difficulty in eating, and discomfort are the results.

Dental disease can also lead to more serious medical conditions like heart, kidney, and liver disease with plague and tartar passing down to these organs and accumulating there, causing obstructions in the organs.

Most common dental diseases among the cats are:

  • Periodontal disease- this is an irreversible condition where the tissues that attach gums with the teeth are damaged by the bacteria and inflammation produced by the cat’s immune system.
  • Tooth resorption-is a condition where tooth structure gets broken, resulting in tooth loss. Causes of tooth resorption are still unknown.
  • Gingivitis-is the medical condition where gums become tall and painful and inflamed due to the accumulation of bacteria or plaque around the teeth.

Gingivitis can lead to more fatal diseases if not treated. These deadly diseases are feline leukemia virus, immunodeficiency virus, calicivirus, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes.

  • The exposure of environmental carcinogens causes oral tumors through their diets, flea collar, and exposure to tobacco products.

Causes of Dental Disease

Oral hygiene and tooth crowding are the leading causes behind the accumulation of plaque and tartar around the teeth.

Plaque formation damages the lining between the gum and teeth. Hence, it increases the exposure of bacteria that destroys the structure of teeth and damages the tissues and the gums.

Symptoms for Dental Disease

  • Unwillingness to eat food
  • Bleeding of gums
  • Drooling
  • Turn their heads  to one side while chewing their food
  • Mobility and tooth loss
  • Development of bad breath (halitosis)
  • Exposure of route surfaces of the tooth
  • Irritability in behavior


  • X-rays of mouth, jaw, and head
  • Examination of teeth and gums for the presence of any lesion, plaque or tartar

Treatment of Dental Diseases

  • Scaling  of the plaque from the teeth which requires anesthesia or in extreme cases extraction of teeth
  • Management of the pain by giving antibiotics and  immunosuppressive drugs

Prevention of Dental Disease

  • Do the regular toothbrushes of your cat to remove plaque formation by using toothpaste specially designed for cats. Human toothpaste can be toxic to them.
  • Conduct careful monitoring for healthy gums and teeth regularly.

3. Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidneys perform significant functions in your cat’s body to keep them healthy and live a quality life.

Some of these functions are:

  • Managing blood pressure
  • Development of hormones
  • Removal of waste from the blood
  • Formation of red blood cells by boosting the work of bone marrow

The failure of a kidney is widespread in older cats. Proper care and early diagnosis can give healthy Kidneys to your cats to live a prolonged life.

Once the symptoms are ignored, the Kidney Disease can become chronic and untreatable.

There are two types of kidney diseases:

  • Acute Renal Failure- cats of all ages can suffer from this type of Kidney Disease within a matter of some days or weeks.

It is a reversible disease if diagnosed and treated early.

  • Chronic Kidney Disease- is diagnosed mostly among older cats or middle-aged cats, with a development window from some months to years. Its causes are not very clear and difficult to treat even if diagnosed.

Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease

  • Poisonous substances are the primary cause of the failure of Kidneys. Your cat can come in contact with these poisons through cleaning liquids, pesticides, human medicines like Ibuprofen, toxic plants, and likewise.
  • Shock due to significant loss of fluid in the body by overheating, dehydration, vomiting, overactivity, and quick blood loss.
  • Blockages in the urinary tract, especially in the bladder and Urethra, block the urine to pass through the body and results in the infiltration of blood from toxic substances.
  • Breakage of tissues in the bladder or Pelvis can create trauma.
  • Low blood pressure or heart failure causes the decreased flow of blood to the Kidneys.
  • Thyroid, cancer, dental disease, and high blood pressure can also cause damage to the kidneys.

Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease

  • Frequent thirst by the cats to replace water loss
  • The frequency of urination increased in cats due to the inability of kidneys to hold urine.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Bloody and cloudy urine
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Brownish colored tongue
  • Bad breath with an ammonia-like odor
  • Coarse fur
  • Constipation
  • Weakness, lethargy, depression

Diagnosing Chronic Kidney Disease

Your Vet can ask you for the blood and urine test of your cat. Other tests that can be done to diagnose the exact cause for Kidney Disease are X-rays, ultrasound, and biopsy.

Treating Chronic Kidney Disease

  • Treatment of chronic kidney disease can be done by giving a regulated diet, medications having antibiotics and immunosuppressant drugs, and injecting intravenous (IV) fluid to the body of the cat.
  • Surgery can be done to remove the blockages In an emergency to enable the flow of blood properly from the urine tract and bladder.

Preventing Chronic Kidney Disease

  • You can give your loving cat a healthy and meaningful life by caring and managing its diet and environment carefully with proper checkups by the Vet.
  • Give your cat clean and fresh water, low protein, and phosphorus diet with lots of Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D. Strict medication and a peaceful environment are the necessities.

4. Vomiting/ Upset Stomach

As a cat owner, you might have seen your cat throwing up many times. Vomiting might be a common condition for you, but it is not a normal situation.

There might be a situation where vomiting is the reason for Major medical concerns.

You should always look for the signs of vomiting closely to understand if the vomiting is due to the routine upset of the stomach, overeating, and food sensitivity.

These symptoms are not very problematic issues and can be treated with diet change or proper hygiene care.

But if the vomiting is sudden, acute, and frequent, then it is an alarm for severe disease and a reason for you to take your cat to the Vet immediately.

Causes and signs of vomiting

Causes for the vomiting can be minor or life-threatening. Let’s explore them one by one to understand when to rush to your Vet and when the situation can be treated at home with diet and environment change.

Minor causes

  • Stomach upset
  • Worms
  • Inflammation of the pancreas
  • Travel sickness

Major causes

  • Diabetes
  • Blockages in the bladder or lower intestinal tract
  • IBD(Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Injection of poison
  • Allergies
  • Side effects of medicines
  • Heatstroke
  • Adrenal gland disease
  • Blockage in the  esophagus

Symptoms to understand the Upset Stomach/vomiting

  • Weakness
  • Frequent vomiting
  • Blood with stool or vomit.
  • Bright color blood indicates the problem. If the color of the blood is brown, then the problem lies in the intestine of the cat.
  • Excessive mucus in the vomiting indicates the problem of inflamed intestine wild the undigested food is due to the food poisoning or merely the overeating.
  • Swollen or enlarged tonsils reflect the problem in the esophagus.
  • Pain, anxiety, and distress.

Diagnosis of vomiting

  • Your Vet can perform a physical examination of the cat after inquiring about the diet, medication, and other physical conditions of your cat.
  • Information about your cat would be beneficial for your Vet to diagnose the reasons behind the vomiting and conduct a test appropriately.

The following tests can be ordered by your Vet to know the exact reason behind the upset stomach of your cat.

  • Blood test
  • Urine test
  • Fecal tests
  • X-rays
  • Ultrasound
  • Biopsy
  • Endoscopy
  • Barium studies
  • Oral examination to diagnose the problem in the esophagus.

Treatment of vomiting

  • Your vet doctor can recommend antibiotics in case of ulcer for bacterial infection.
  • Other medications to stop vomiting are anti-emetic and cimetidine.
  • Surgery is the option in case of removing a tumor for some foreign body.

Corticosteroids are used to treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Prevention of Upset stomach/Vomiting

  • Pay close attention to your cat to know the exact symptoms behind the vomiting
  • Do not change diet or medication without recommendations of your Vet. If the vomiting is sudden and frequent, go to your Vet immediately.
  • Provide fresh water and a tiny amount of food every some hour.
  • Notice any particular food or activity that might be causing vomiting to your cat. Eliminate such nutrition and exercise.
  • Check the fever, diarrhea, blood in stool or vomit, pungent odor, or undigested food with frequent vomiting. Take these symptoms seriously to consult your Vet suddenly.

5. Diarrhea/Intestinal upset

Diarrhea is a medical condition of passing out loose and watery stool due to the inflammation of the intestinal tract, or the bowel. A bacterial infection causes this inflammation.

Cats of any age can suffer from diarrhea for a variety of reasons. Mucus and blood in stool are the significant symptoms to diagnose diarrhea in your cats.

There are two types of diarrhea, chronic diarrhea, and acute diarrhea. Acute diarrhea lasts for some weeks only. Chronic diarrhea remains more extended than a few weeks.

In most cases, diarrhea can be treated on its own, but in other cases, diarrhea can be a symptom of more severe medical condition in your cat.

Hence, it is crucial for you as the cat companion to understand various symptoms and causes of diarrhea in your Kitty to let them have the timely treatment and quality life.

Causes of diarrhea

  • Stress can be caused among the cats. The introduction of a new pet in the house or the isolated environment around them can cause stress in them.
  • Ingestion of poison while coming in contact with the chemicals,  insecticides, pesticides, cleaning substances, toxic plants or metals such as lead causes vomiting along with diarrhea
  • Ingestion of unwanted material can obstruct the intestinal tract of your cat and can damage the lining of the intestinal tract, thus causing diarrhea with vomiting.
  • Dietary reasons by the introduction of a new food or the sudden change in the diet of your cat. It causes vomiting, excessive wind, and abdominal pain
  • Bacterial causes by E.coli, Clostridium, Campylobacter, or salmonella.
  • Viral infections
  • fungal infections Including histoplasmosis
  • Parasites  like hookworms, giardia or roundworms
  • (IBD) Intestinal Bowel Disease due to the allergic reaction to food, bacteria or parasites
  • Liver and Kidney Disease
  • Hyperthyroid
  • Diabetes
  • The inflammation of the pancreas causes pancreatitis. Under this condition, enzymes are not produced by the pancreas to digest fat, and hence the cat passes a large volume of greasy stool. It causes pain, discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and weight loss among the cats.
  • Food allergy with itchy skin
  • In colitis, large intestine or colon is inflamed. It causes blood and mucus in the stool and painful stomach and vomiting to the cats.

Symptoms of Diarrhea

  • Loose or watery stool
  • Increased frequency of passing stool
  • Straining to defecate
  • Vomiting
  • Dull fur of the cat due to non-absorption of nutrients by the intestine of your cat
  • Blood or mucus in stools. Dark colored blood denotes the disease in the small intestine
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Increased thrust

Diagnosis of Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be diagnosed by conducting  the following tests:

  • Examination of stool
  • Physical examination of the cat
  • Fecal examination
  • Medication trials to assess the response of medication by the cat
  • Food trials to know the reaction of the cat towards certain foods
  • X-rays or ultrasound of the abdomen
  • Endoscopy performed under anesthesia
  • Blood tests
  • Urine test

Treatment of Diarrhea

  • Water and electrolytes can be given to your cat to keep the cat hydrated.
  • Probiotics are given to the cats to increase the intestinal bacterial population to its normal
  • Antibiotics can be given to kill certain bacteria
  • Parasite treatment by giving deworming medicines
  • Management of thyroid disease
  • Prescribed diet to help your cat with the digestion and diarrhea.
  • Fiber-rich diet and  intravenous (IV) fluids can be given

Prevention of Diarrhea

Fortunately, diarrhea is preventable and can be treated by on its own within some days.

you can stop the  occurrence of diarrhea by taking the following preventive steps:

  • Keep the diet of your cat consistent.
  • Always introduce a new food in your cat’s diet slowly to give the time of their guts to adjust with the fresh food.
  • Keep the cats stress free by giving them company and playing with them
  • Do not let them indulge in excessive exercise because this can put a lot of strain on their spine. This strainful spine results in the hindrance of the flow of energy to the intestine which can cause diarrhea in your cat
  • Vaccinate your cat correctly at regular intervals and keep them away from the stray and unvaccinated cats  so that they do not catch any virus
  • Keep your cat indoors or under your sight so that they do not ingest any unwanted material, garbage or poison in your absence
  • Properly  clean and disinfect the litter box, kennel, and utensils regularly
  • Talk to your Vet about the prevention of parasites and the measures available for its prevention
  • Keep your cat hydrated and give them a small amount of bland and fiber-rich diet gradually.
  • Do not give any medicine to your cat without consultation from your Vet
  • Proper knowledge about the diet, habits, environment, and health condition can help your Vet to diagnose and treat your cat successfully.

Take Away

Seeing your cat troubled and sick is a very stressful time for you as a cat parent or cat owner.

You feel helpless. You feel anxious, to cure your lovely Kitty as soon as possible, and to play with them as before.

Your Kitty is under your guidance and care, so it is imperative upon you to know about the various common and severe diseases of your cats.

You can become a dedicated parent with this knowledge by closely examining your cat for any symptom of the disease.

Only this way, you can assure the timely diagnosis and treatment of your cat before it threatens the life of your companion.

ITSKOO Automatic Smart Pet Feeder

ITSKOO – We are IOT technology driven, aiming to provide the fully structured cloud platform that enables all smart home devices into one single platform.

ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder C.D.4 is our first retail smart product to let our customers have a taste of our world-leading Smart Home Platform. We understand the need for pet owners, and we design specifically to meet their needs. 

Contact us if you have any questions about our pet feeder and it’s our pleasure to serve you.

Can Cats Eat Cheese?

can cats eat cheese?

Honestly speaking we all love cheese. Cheese not only tastes amazing but it also makes everything else taste better. Addicted to its highly-palatable taste, we often spoil our furry feline friends by treating them with small chunks of cheese. Yet we are not to blame. Namely cats know how well cheese tastes and guilt us into offering them pieces of this treat.

But is it good for cats to eat cheese? Sadly, the simplest and shortest answer would be no. More specifically speaking, the answer depends on several factors such as amount, frequency and type of cheese.

In a nutshell, our nutritional needs are vastly different from our cats’ nutritional needs. Simple foods we consume on a daily basis can potentially wreak havoc in the cat’s digestive system. The list of forbidden foods includes onions and garlic, grapes and raisins, chocolate and alcoholic beverages. Although not named on this list, most veterinarians and feline nutritionist agree that cheese is not best suited for cats.

Why cats and cheese are not the perfect combination?

There are several reasons why feeding cheese to cats, especially on a daily basis, is not recommended.

  • Cats prefer carnivorous diet. Cats are classified as obligatory carnivores. This means that to thrive and survive cats need only meat and meat products. Cheese and dairy products are not part of the carnivorous diet.
  • Most adult cats are lactose intolerant. It is a common misconception that cheese and other dairy products are good for felines. In fact, as cats mature they tend to become lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerant cats are incapable of processing dairy products because their bodies do not produce enough of the enzyme lactase needed for breaking down the milk sugar named lactose.

During the breast feeding period the kitten’s body produces enough lactase for proper breast milk digestion. After weaning the body stops producing lactase.

Feeding lactose intolerant cats dairy products results in stomach upset manifested with frequent vomiting, explosive diarrhea and excessive gassiness. Keep in mind that lactose intolerance in cats is not a health issue. It is the natural order of things and it does not require treatment.

  • Cheese is too fattening for cats. Based on its size, to maintain proper body weight, the average cat would need around 200 to 300 calories per day. A single slice of cheese contains around 113 calories which is about half of the daily calorie intake need.

Problems occur when cat parents forget to extract the cheese’s calories from the daily calories intake. Even this can be fine, as long as it happens once in a while. If it happens routinely, on a daily basis, the cat will start putting on weight. Putting on weight leads to obesity and a higher risk of developing obesity-related health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, liver and kidney failure.

  • Cheese is too salty for cats. Cats have an extremely low need for salt (about 21 milligrams per day) but they can tolerate as much as 42 milligrams per day. A single slice of cheese contains around 400 milligrams of salt which is almost 10 times the recommended upper limit.

Excess salt intake leads to higher thirst levels and more frequent urination, thus burdening the kidneys. High salt intake can also cause hypertension.

Are all cheeses equally bad?

The good news is that certain types of cheese can be classified as feline-friendly as long as they are used moderately and in small amounts. Such cheese types can be used either raw or baked into treats. However, it is of imperative importance to remember that their safety is limited by the feeding amount and frequency.

The group of feline-friendly cheeses includes aged cheese varieties and hard cheeses like Cheddar, Swiss cheese, Parmesan or Gouda. These cheeses have lower lactose levels and high calcium and protein contents and are relatively easy to digest. Usually the harder the cheese the less lactose it contains.

Soft cheese types such as Cottage cheese, Cream cheese and Mozzarella are relatively low in salt and fats. On the flip side, they are packed with lactose.

If you insist on feeding your cat dairy, give her extremely small amounts at first and see how her digestive system handles it. If there are no issues, you can gradually increase the amount without exceeding the safe limit.

Cheese substitutes – yes or no

With so many cheese substitutes the modern market has to offer, it is not unusual for cat owners to question both their good and bad features.

Driven by the idea that reason number 1 why cats should not eat cheese is their lactose intolerance, it is easy to assume that low-lactose cheese varieties would be more cat-friendly and appropriate. Yet, it should be acknowledged that even low-lactose cheese varieties are rich in salt and have high caloric contents.

Another option worth discussing is vegan cheese. Vegan cheese is not only lactose-free but it is also particularly low in fat and salt. Plus vegan cheese has an extremely low caloric value. Last but not least, vegan cheese is not universally good for cats. This is because most vegan cheeses are soy based and soy-allergies are quite common among cats. 

When is it ok to give your cat cheese?

As cat parents, we all know how much cats love cheese. Therefore, a smidgen of cheese can be more than useful in one particular case – getting a finicky cat take its medicine.

Grinding up bitter pills and hiding the powder in cheese is a good way of tricking picky cats. In that case, the benefits of the medicine significantly exceed the drawback of adding cheese to your cat’s diet.

The final verdict

Although many human foods are safe for cats, a good general rule is that they should not make up for more than 15% of a cat’s diet. Non-processed foods like most fruits and vegetables are good for cats, but processed foods like cheese are usually not.

Simply put, despite its addictive palatability and irresistible smell, cheese is not part of the cat’s natural diet. However, a small chunk of feline-friendly cheese, now and then, is not likely to harm your cat. 

ITSKOO Automatic Smart Pet Feeder

ITSKOO – We are IOT technology driven, aiming to provide the fully structured cloud platform that enables all smart home devices into one single platform.

ITSKOO Smart Pet Feeder C.D.4 is our first retail smart product to let our customers have a taste of our world-leading Smart Home Platform. We understand the need for pet owners, and we design specifically to meet their needs. 

Contact us if you have any questions about our pet feeder and it’s our pleasure to serve you.